Bobby Moynihan - Hot Video - Corn Syrup Commercial, 3/12/11

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bobby Moynihan blog is back on Google Blog Search!

Finally! We're back on Google Blog Search!

So when you search for a topic on the Google Blog Search, then they will first list a Web site at the top if the site is full dedicated to the topic.

So we've got our Andy Samberg one up there:

And our Aubrey Plaza blog is up there:

But our Kristen Wiig blog isn't up there yet:

Here's that blog:

So Google, if you're reading this, could you add our Kristen Wiig blog? =^)


Anyway, so what happened was the Live Journal was up there early this year, and then our Bobby blog got added. Then this summer, we took a few months off this blog and basically they took down this blog and the Live Journal site. The Live Journal site dried up, probably in May. So anyway, we're back, and they put the blog back on. We'll be sure to give more steady blog posts so that this doesn't happen again.

Thanks to all our readers!

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